We aim to respond quickly. If your request lands on a day we’re closed, we’ll start counting our one-month response time from the next working day.

Not at all. You can make your request in any form that suits you. This can be in person, by phone, or via a message on social media. We’ll acknowledge and process your request regardless of how you submit it. While we might suggest filling out a form to streamline the process, it’s not mandatory. You’re free to choose how you’d like to make your request.

We’ll ask you to clarify what you’re looking for. While we wait for your clarification, we pause the one-month countdown.

Usually, it’s free. But if your request is unfounded, repetitive, or excessive, we may ask for a fee to cover our costs.

Yes, in certain cases. If a request is too broad, doesn’t have a clear purpose, or places an unreasonable burden on us, it might be considered “manifestly unfounded” or “manifestly excessive”. We carefully evaluate each request and ensure that any decision to deny is fair and compliant with data protection regulations. We’d then inform you why we can’t fulfil it, and you can challenge our decision by contacting us.

Yes, some requests might be limited by law. We’ll let you know if that’s the case.

Sure, but we’ll need proof that they’re allowed to act on your behalf. If we’re concerned about the safety of your data, we might talk to you directly or send the data to you instead of someone else.